Sunday, December 26, 2010

John's big day

Today, my son, John Allred was ordained as an Elder in the LDS church. For most young men becoming an Elder happens as a matter of course. i.e. you turn 19 (or 21 in the case of Patrick and Thomas, 20) receive the higher priesthood and go on your mission. John didn't take this path, at least until now. To say that life has been challenging for John is a bit of an understatement. His college career was difficult and patchy. He left school with our blessing, I might add, and joined his brothers in Utah. I found out from him just recently, his bishop in Orem discouraged him from serving a mission because of past transgressions. The Atonement wasn't working for him...this was the message he received. With the possibility of a mission gone, he soon met Leslie, got married and conceived a child-not in that order, tried to make his marriage work. During one of our visits with them, he voiced a lack of faith in a loving Heavenly Father, at least someone who knew and loved him personally. He labeled himself an agnostic, pretty much devoid of a testimony. I was devistated, and began an almost daily prayer campaign. Divorce and heartache followed. Leslie left Utah with Baby Aiden, marrying Lee
which led to an eventual severing of familial ties. John was brought low by these events. His music was sad and even dark at this point.
After a year of soul searching he began working his way back to a better place, meeting April who encouraged him to return to church. Later that summer, he received his patriarchal blessing. His music became more hopeful. Their relationship did not last, however.
About a year ago he met Nina. She was instrumental in his return to full membership in the church. She had just returned from serving a mission in Korea and helped him to develop many positive spiritual habits. His testimony grew strong. Thomas recently described him as being on fire with the gospel. All of us could sense the change in him.
Today was the culmination of these changes and the result of many prayers on his behalf (thank you, Dorcas.) We drove to Provo in the AM, arriving at the Harris Fine Arts Building just in time for Sacrament. Patrick was teaching in his home ward so he would be arriving late. I went outside to meet him. Who should come 'round the corner but Elder (Trever) Kreutzer, former missionary in the Brewster Branch! He was just leaving another meeting. Wave..."Elder Kreutzer!" He gave me directions to pass along to Pat and decided to come inside to see John Sr. and congratulate John Jr. After the meeting we followed Bishop Coombs to his office. We met Brother Asay who is the clerk. I liked his comment that "we often take for granted the receiving of the Melchezedek priesthood," and that we shouldn't as it is such a great thing. Patrick offered the prayer-so perfect for the occasion and filled with love for his little brother. Then the bishop said some lovely things about John, that he was a great young man who had made mistakes to be sure, but which were fully atoned for. He had his arm around his shoulder-John's head was down as he was overcome with emotion. The brethren laid their hands on John's head. My husband proceeded with the confirmation. It was beautiful, containing all the words he could find to bless our John. He mentioned that John would one day take a companion to the temple. I could not move-tears flowed. After the confirmation Bishop Coombs gave John a calling: Sacrament coordinator and member of the Ward Council. He also said John was temple-ready. He was given a recommend interview by both ward and stake leaders as we waited outside. Soon, we will go together to the temple for his endowments. How do I feel? I am overwhelmed with the blessings of this day. I love my son intensely with a deeper respect and appreciation for what the bishop said was "a mighty change of heart." Oh happy day!

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